Admission Procedure
1. Registration Forms are to be filled and submitted to the school office within seven days of issue of Registration Forms.
2. Registration does not imply admission which is subject to admission test/observation and interaction and the availability of seats.
3. Incomplete Registration Forms without photograph will be considered invalid.
4. Date for tests/observation and interaction will be given at the time of Registration and the same may be changed, on a very short notice of only two days by the school.
5. At the time of Registration the following documents along with Registration and processing Fee In cash are to be submitted to the school office.
• Duly filled and signed Registration Forms.
• Color passport size photograph.
• Photocopy of proof of date of birth.
• Affidavit of no. of sons and daughters.
6. Admission to Nursery and Preparatory classes will be through observation.
7. There will be an interview for students seeking admission to classes I-VIII followed by a written test.
8. It is strongly advised that the parents should fill the Registration Forms themselves.
9. If T.C. with ‘Passed’ or ‘Promoted’ written on it is not submitted of the earlier school in time.